Fashion Week brought major contacts!!
Welcome to "Autumn in New York!" Well fashion week is over and I had to most amazing time - thanks to the magic of Craigslist, I was able to get some advertising production done while make some fantastic new acquaintances. I was introduced by plus size fashion model Teresa Steele to some amazing and positive women. Stylist and buyer, Michele Martinez of Dulce Style has made an art of finding hip, stylish clothing for the curvy and sophisticated. With her encouragement (and Teresa's prodding) we made a bee-line to the penthouse where plus lines SVOBODA and Anna Scholz were camped out. They loved the lush and beautiful fabrics I pulled out and they gave me some serious business tips. It was a marvelous nite! Thanks - you women are fantastic!!
Labels: art, bklyn, brooklyn, clothing, clothing designer, crochet, crocheters, design, designer, fashion, fashion blog, fashionblog, indie designer, knitwear, new york, ny, textile, wearable art